A testimony of my love for Ing. Miroslav Lípa PhD. to be.

Hi babaaaaaa (if you are not Mimibabe I am NOT talking to you, you may close this page)! I was thinking to myself, how can I surprise you AGAIN after all the amazing gifts I offer (gotta frenchisize words to make you learn) you on top of being your A-MA-ZING girlfriend. Then I reminded myself “I’m a bloody software engineer BABA, let’s make him a whole website (yes the entirety is for you)”. So here we are, hopefully I learnt how to master web design by now (now being: 19th March 2025, don’t question my skills before please), and managed to make ma vision come to LIFE..

“And then I go and spoil it all by saying somnethin stupid like MILUJU TE”

Introducing the MiJu experience

You might be wondering what the MiJu experience is. With MiJu not only will you embark on a beautiful story, filled with adventures, laughter and joy but you will find a lot of growth, respect, compassion and patience. MiJu is about authenticity, about feeling safe with one another and about exploring our most inner selves. With MiJu you will NOT catch a break, between travels, hikes, enflamed Scopa game (some might spread the rumour that Mi crushes Ju a lot, but don’t get fooled and know your truth), creative dates, endless

conversations about everything and anything (that’s our favourite part!!!), a lot of jokes, very little movies watched, tons christine-based talks (a lot of animals are going to be adopted), countless sports tried (Ju beats Mi in all of them) and of COURSE, a lotlotlotolotlotlot (beaucoupbeaucoupbeaucoup) of LOVE (amouuuuur). So come try it for your self, and I guarantee that, as I fell in love with this beautiful human being, you will fall in love with MiJu.

MiJu taught me a LOT over this year. MiJu taught me that love can be calming, soothing, that love takes patience and should not be rushed. MiJu taught me to appreciate every little detail about a moment spent together, to embrace every feeling of a touch. MiJu feels like a flower field: gracious and colourful. I could say MiJu made me a better person. I’d rather say MiJu made me embrace every part of my person. It made me realise how beautiful it is to just be, how

important it is to just feel, how precious it is to just experience. MiJu did not judge me when I could not do the simplest task, it did not guilty me when my emotions were overflowing, it did not make me feel too much and never shamed me for expressing myself. MiJu never made me feel like I had to apologise for my presence and my humanity. It celebrates my soul and encourages me to take space, to scream, shout, protest, cry, scream. Mimi taught me to loudly be me.

2 people in love


Two individuals (preferably Czech and Belgian) doing an Erasmus in the randomest city in Finland and meeting eachother. Please follow the “falling in love process for a guaranteed MiJu experience”

Falling in love process

  • Ignore eachother for a month and a half
  • Make brief contacts while lunching
  • Go to a cottage (and as an extra, a rave)
  • Fall in love

Tested and approved by many customers


4.3 stars from 800+ reviews

MiJu, c’est…


Year of pure happiness


Promises of watching brother bear


Eggs eaten



Meet the team!!

Most beautiful man on the planet


CEO of my heart

Specialist in egg scrambling, fake laugh simulating and gym broing.

In love with the most beautiful man on the planet

Juju (Žužu for the connaisseurs)

Creator of Mimibabe fan club, former CEO of Mimilove and ex-member of the “Mimi enthusiasts club”.

Specialist in everything else (give me that one the whole website is about you),