
Enough with the yapping

Let’s get to the moment you’ve been waiting for: what did I get you for our 365 days together????


See Mimibabe, a lot of reflexion came behind this gift. My goal was to celebrate us. It had to be big. It had to be big but not only. I wanted to find something that would make us build even deeper memories, something we would experience together. I wanted it to be a reflexion of ourselves too: loud, colourful, fun, extravagant. But most importantly, I wanted it to be something you would truly enjoy. Because, after all, my primary goal is to make you the happiest babe on Earth. So after

a lot, lot, lot of research, a research proposal submitted to the committee of MiJu, a thorough literature review and a first draft approved, my study came to an end. The result of this research is the ultimate gift that I think will make your eyes sparkle. I hope this meets all the criteria, that you will feel as celebrated as I wanted you to be and that you will JUMP when you discover your gift. So don’t wait more and click on the other Pages!!!

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